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The cost of cavity wall insulation installed

How much does cavity wall insulation cost installed?

It's hard to give an exact quote on a site without knowing a few details first.

The cost of cavity wall insulation depends on a number of factors, so we will have to answer a few questions first.:

1. Do your wall have a cavity to insulate?
2. What is the depth of the cavity?
3. What type of house do you have?
4. What amount of bead is needed to insulate you cavity walls in square meters or square feet?
5. Where do you live? The further away the more travel time and fuel used.
6. How long does it take to finish the job? Our labour costs.

1. How do I know if my house has cavity walls to fill?

If you have just moved into your home asking your neighbours is a good place to start. You can often see if you have a cavity by looking at cable or meter boxes attached to the outside of the house. If you have easy access to you attic you can sometimes see if there is a cavity by simply looking near the outside walls. If you live in a dormer in the countryside you might need to find out when the house was built and tell us, we can normally tell when you call us for a free quote.

2. What distance is between the blocks?

Normally it's about 300mm or 12 inches, once we are onsite we can make an accurate calculation. Depending on the type of home and the time of construction these depths differ.

3. What type of house do you have?

Houses built from 1920 -1985 can have cavity walls. Doremers, 2 story detached and semi detached house may have cavity walls, so make sure you tell us what type of house you have when you ask for a free quote.

4. How much material will it take to insulate my cavity walls?

This is the major determining factor in working out the price of cavity wall insulation. The larger the square meters or square foot are that need to be insulated the larger the cost of insulation your cavity walls. As a rule of thumb the unit cost of the beads used per sq meter or sq foot will decrease the larger the area that we insulate.

5. Where do you live?

It won't add too much to the cost of insulating your cavity walls but the closer you are to us the quicker we can get there and back and the less fuel we will use. So if you live miles away on an island this might be an issue. Otherwise it a minor cost saving or extra expense.

6. Our labour cost will add to the price of insulating your cavity walls.

It's an obvious cost but still needs to be factored in, our labour costs. There might be some access issues or some issues with obstructions in the cavities that add time to the job, so if these occur they will add some extra costs to insulating your cavity walls.

There is an up to €1700 SEAI Energy Upgrade grant for Cavity Wall Insulation. See our Grants Page

If you would like to give us a call or ask for a call back we can give you an approximate quote over the phone if we answer these questions.

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